Friday, February 15, 2008

About Our Part of The Ozarks

When people think of our part of the Ozarks, they may think of the Home of Laura Ingalls Wilder, or that hilly country in Southwest Missouri, but there is much more than that. Long before there was Laura Ingalls Wilder, long before there was Mansfield, Missouri, and long before there was a state of Missouri, this area played a part of history.
There is a ridge that runs east and west accross the entire state of Missouri called the Devil's Backbone. All the water that falls on the south side of this ridge flows south into the Arkansas River then into the Mississippi while all the water that falls north of that ridge flows into the Missouri River then into the Mississippi. When the Indians ruled the land here, this ridge was the boundry line between the Cherokee and the Osage Indians.
Mansfield is located on the top of this ridge. This means that we are downstream from no-one. It also means that we have less intense weather than the rest of the country. Storms either go north with us on the southern edge, or they go south of us with us on the northern edge.
When you visit Mansfield, Missouri, whether for the Home of Laura Ingalls Wilder, Bakersville, for the Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company, or The National Headquarters of the Missouri Foxtrotter Horses, please stop by Mother Owl's Choice for some of the finist Ozarks Crafts and Native Memorialibia in the country. This is also a good place to ask questions about this area of the Ozarks.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Welcome to the Home of Mother Owl

You know; The owl is an interesting bird. It is the only one of its species that can see in the dark as well as in the daylight. It can also when perched turn its head almost a complete circle looking for food. Considered as an instrument of wisdem, it was feared by many Native American Tribes.
Mother Owl comes to you from the Heart of the Ozarks in southwest Missouri. The country that is noted for funny looking hats, corncob pipes, and moonshine. We do have shoes now, at least in the winter months, the corncob pipes have all but disapeared, thanks to the Surgeon General, and we still wear funny hats, but these days they're made in China.
The Owl House is located in a small town, most famous for one thing. Mansfield, Missouri is the home of Laura Ingalls Wilder. The place where she wrote all of her books, and the place where Laura, Almonzo, and daughter Rose are buried. It is also the home of Mother Owl's Choice. This is a shop where the best craftsmen from throughout the Ozarks come to display and sell their crafts. Mother Owl features crafts from all walks of life, Amish made goods from the area, Native American goods from here as well as from Oklahoma, Pioneer dresses and bonnets, pictures framed from one hundred year old barns in the area, paintings from area artists, and many, many other things too numerous to mention.
We love feed-back, and are looking forward to comments. We will be adding trivia often about the Mansfield area and also about Mother Owl's Choice. Check back often.
We Love You All! Mother Owl